临床文本的自动汇总可以减轻医疗专业人员的负担。 “放电摘要”是摘要的一种有希望的应用,因为它们可以从每日住院记录中产生。我们的初步实验表明,放电摘要中有20-31%的描述与住院记录的内容重叠。但是,目前尚不清楚如何从非结构化来源生成摘要。为了分解医师的摘要过程,本研究旨在确定摘要中的最佳粒度。我们首先定义了具有不同粒度的三种摘要单元,以比较放电摘要生成的性能:整个句子,临床段和条款。我们在这项研究中定义了临床细分,旨在表达最小的医学意义概念。为了获得临床细分,有必要在管道的第一阶段自动拆分文本。因此,我们比较了基于规则的方法和一种机器学习方法,而后者在分裂任务中以0.846的F1得分优于构造者。接下来,我们在日本的多机构国家健康记录上,使用三种类型的单元(基于Rouge-1指标)测量了提取性摘要的准确性。使用整个句子,临床段和条款分别为31.91、36.15和25.18的提取性摘要的测量精度分别为31.91、36.15和25.18。我们发现,临床细分的准确性比句子和条款更高。该结果表明,住院记录的汇总需要比面向句子的处理更精细的粒度。尽管我们仅使用日本健康记录,但可以解释如下:医生从患者记录中提取“具有医学意义的概念”并重新组合它们...
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A method to perform offline and online speaker diarization for an unlimited number of speakers is described in this paper. End-to-end neural diarization (EEND) has achieved overlap-aware speaker diarization by formulating it as a multi-label classification problem. It has also been extended for a flexible number of speakers by introducing speaker-wise attractors. However, the output number of speakers of attractor-based EEND is empirically capped; it cannot deal with cases where the number of speakers appearing during inference is higher than that during training because its speaker counting is trained in a fully supervised manner. Our method, EEND-GLA, solves this problem by introducing unsupervised clustering into attractor-based EEND. In the method, the input audio is first divided into short blocks, then attractor-based diarization is performed for each block, and finally, the results of each block are clustered on the basis of the similarity between locally-calculated attractors. While the number of output speakers is limited within each block, the total number of speakers estimated for the entire input can be higher than the limitation. To use EEND-GLA in an online manner, our method also extends the speaker-tracing buffer, which was originally proposed to enable online inference of conventional EEND. We introduce a block-wise buffer update to make the speaker-tracing buffer compatible with EEND-GLA. Finally, to improve online diarization, our method improves the buffer update method and revisits the variable chunk-size training of EEND. The experimental results demonstrate that EEND-GLA can perform speaker diarization of an unseen number of speakers in both offline and online inferences.
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拟声术语是语音上模仿声音的字符序列,在表达声音的特征,诸如持续时间,间距和Timbre的特征是有效的。我们提出了一种使用拟声缺陷的环境 - 辐射方法,以指定要提取的目标声音。利用这种方法,我们通过使用U-Net架构来估计来自输入混合谱图和拟声型的时频掩模,然后通过掩蔽频谱图来提取相应的目标声音。实验结果表明,该方法只能提取对应于拟声病的目标声音,并且比使用声音事件类别指定目标声音的传统方法更好地执行。
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